
March 30th - FaithLine...building Upon the Line of Faith Set Before

I Corinthians 10:11
Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Have you ever thought you were the only one to step foot in a certain place, only to discover an empty Coke can lying nearby? Put it down, someone has been there and done that, before you were ever born. This is one of the great benefits of reading your Bible. You will find the testimonies of good people and bad people; the smart things they did, and the not so smart things. Learn from their lives, and it will save you a lot of heartache. Oh yes! Don’t litter. Pick up those Coke cans!

Jesus Every Day is a ministry of Rodgers Baptist Church in Garland, Texas.